Juice cure preparation: 7 tips for successful juice fasting Skip to content

Juice cure preparation: With these 7 tips, juice fasting will be a success

A juice cleanse can give you a reset: you improve your eating habits, start a healthier lifestyle and have more energy. However, you will only enjoy these positive effects of fasting if you complete your juice cleanse successfully. What is particularly important for this is the preparation for the juice cleanse.

In this article, we explain why proper preparation is so important. We then give you seven helpful tips that will help you prepare your juice cleanse perfectly. We will also introduce you to the natural, high-quality juices from Bergblut.

That’s why juice cleanse preparation is so important for your success:

You should prepare for your juice cleanse so that it is as easy as possible for you to get started.

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Tip 1: Write down the goal of your successful juice cleanse:

Write down what you want to achieve with the juice cleanse and how it will benefit you.

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Tip 2: Give up unhealthy habits before juice fasting:

Before your juice cleanse, try to live a healthier lifestyle and break bad habits.

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Tip 3: Don’t forget the physical preparation:

Before starting the juice cleanse, pay attention to your diet and empty your bowels as needed.

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Helpful tips: That's why juice cleanse preparation is so important for your success

Your body is designed to get energy from food several times a day. It doesn't matter whether you eat healthily or unhealthily: Eating several times a day is normal for our body. This makes juice fasting all the more unusual at the beginning.

You are depriving it of nutrition - even though you are drinking fruit and vegetable juices, you are missing out on solid food. This is because it often contains sugar, flavor enhancers or a lot of salt. These substances can make your body really dependent. It wants more of them.

When you fast, you only give your body juices: this is unusual at first. If you have eaten very unhealthily in the last few weeks, you may feel a real withdrawal. Good preparation is crucial to ensure that you can stick to this.

What is the best way to prepare for this? Ideally, you should eat healthily in the days before the juice cleanse. Avoid sugar, fatty foods and caffeine. This will make the transition much easier for you. Cook healthy but delicious meals to slowly adjust to the cleanse and the change in your eating habits.

Tip 1: Write down the goal of your successful juice cleanse

Are you determined to do a juice cleanse in the coming days? Use your energy and enthusiasm to define your goals for the cleanse. If you are a fan of juice cleanses in general, you can buy yourself a nice notebook and record your experiences in it.

Write down how long your juice cleanse should last and how you prepared for it. During the cleanse, add which juices you drank, how you are feeling and how you spent the days. If you keep a diary like this, you can draw on your own experiences for future juice cleanses.

Add goals to it. For example, a goal could be to stick to the treatment for two to three days. But you might also want to use the fast to change your diet in the long term or to get more energy.

Don't forget the debriefing

Once you have written down your goals and expectations for the juice cleanse, a final report is a must. After successfully completing the juice cleanse, write down how you felt about it. Write down everything that goes through your head: How did you feel? Was it difficult for you to go without solid food? What would you do differently next time? If the juice cleanse was good for your body, you can repeat it several times a year to improve your well-being.

Tip 2: Give up unhealthy habits before juice fasting

Do you eat a lot of sweets? Do you smoke and like to drink alcohol? There are some unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits that many people want to give up - but they just can't seem to manage it. A juice cleanse can help you and reset your lifestyle.

If you have this attitude, then it's best to start breaking these bad habits several days before the treatment. Clean out your fridge and banish sweets, highly processed foods or unhealthy foods. This way you won't be tempted and you can start afresh.

In the days before the juice cleanse, you should cook delicious recipes based on vegetables. Try to avoid sugar, nicotine and alcohol now - this will make fasting easier for you.

Have you cleaned out your fridge? Then you now have space for the juices for your juice cleanse. At Bergblut you will find a large selection of organic juices that only contain natural ingredients.

Natural juices for your juice cleanse

With Bergblut juices you are well prepared for your juice cure: We offer cures lasting from one to seven days.

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Tip 3: Don’t forget the physical preparation

Before your juice cleanse, you should not forget that your body is used to receiving food several times a day. To make the transition to a juice cleanse easier, you should prepare your body. Drink plenty of water before the cleanse and give your body as much fluid as possible. Raw food is also a good choice in the days before the cleanse.

For many people, preparing for a juice cleanse includes a bowel movement. This is not a must, but it can help you while fasting. If your colon is cleansed, your body can adapt better to the juice cleanse, so problems with digestion can be minimized. An empty colon can also stimulate the natural cleansing process during fasting. However, purging before fasting is not mandatory.

Tip 4: Find the perfect time for the relief days

Do you have a lot of appointments in the coming weeks? Are you going to be under a lot of stress at work? Then now is probably not the right time for a juice cleanse. Although it can improve your well-being, it will demand a lot from you at the beginning.

We therefore recommend that you choose a suitable time to prepare for the treatment as best as possible. Try to schedule your juice fast during a quiet week when there are no birthdays or restaurant visits. You will then find it much easier to stick to the juice cleanse. You will also be able to focus fully on yourself and feel the fasting intensely.

Are you wondering what the perfect duration of a juice fast is? There is no general answer to this. If you have never done a juice cleanse before, you can start with two or three days. If you are already feeling good about juice fasting, you can slowly increase it and find the perfect duration for you.

Tip 5: Get to know your hunger

You won't eat any meals during the juice fast - just juice. You'll probably feel hungry at times throughout the day. This can initiate a reset for your body and mind.

During the juice cleanse, you will learn to feel your hunger again. Many people often no longer know whether they are hungry or have an appetite. The cleanse will help you rediscover this feeling and better sense your body's signals in the future.

If you feel very hungry during the juice cleanse, you can drink a lot of water, tea or vegetable broth. You can also have soup , especially if you are on a longer juice cleanse.

Of course, our tips for preparing for a juice cleanse also include choosing the right juices. Make sure you choose juices without added sugar or preservatives. You can find the right juices for your juice cleanse at Bergblut.

Tip 6: Do the juice cleanse as a couple

If you have never done a juice cleanse before, then fasting will probably be a completely new experience for you. Many fans of juice cleanses do them together. This means that you fast together with your partner, your siblings or a friend.

Because it's even more fun to prepare and stick to the diet together. You can share your experiences and motivate each other: This will help both of you to get through the juice diet better and maybe you'll fast together again in the future.

Tip 7: Choose high-quality juices for your juice cleanse

To ensure that your juice cleanse is successful, one aspect is particularly important: choosing the right juices. To stimulate the natural cleansing processes in your body, the juices should be as natural as possible. They must not contain any sugar, additives or preservatives. This can hinder the effect of your juice cleanse.

We therefore recommend the cold-pressed juices from Bergblut. Our juices consist exclusively of fruit and vegetables - nothing more. This makes them completely natural and pure. We source the ingredients for our juices from organic farming and try to source them regionally. Thanks to the cold pressing, the fruit and vegetables retain a particularly high number of nutrients.

So what are you waiting for? Buy Bergblut juices now for your juice cleanse. They are high quality, organic and natural!

Start your juice cleanse with the juices from Bergblut

With our juices you are well prepared for your juice cure and supply your body with the best possible nutrients.

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Frequently asked questions about preparing for a juice cleanse

Before starting your juice cleanse, you should focus on healthy foods. We recommend fruit and vegetables. You can also eat dairy products and nuts. Make sure you eat products with high nutritional value.

During the juice cleanse, you are allowed to drink water and unsweetened tea without caffeine. This is actually important so that you get enough fluids. You can also rely on natural vegetable broth and soups if you feel too hungry.

Yes, in addition to our juices, we offer other products for your treatment. For example, you can buy delicious organic soups from us, which also only contain natural ingredients. At the same time, we also offer shots : a shot in the morning can give you more energy.

Conclusion: Prepare for a juice cleanse properly & stick to it better

To ensure that your juice cleanse is as relaxed as possible, you should prepare properly. The better the conditions are for you, the easier it will be for you to avoid solid food. We also recommend that you keep a diary during your juice cleanse and record your successes.

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