Yes. Our juices are made from ingredients that are organically grown, meaning fruits and vegetables grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. Our commitment to organic ingredients is based on our support of sustainable, non-toxic farming practices and the healthy soil and plants that result.
We source our ingredients from local suppliers and try to keep transport routes as short as possible. In winter or for more exotic ingredients such as citrus fruits and pineapples, we make sure to source our ingredients from organic farmers who care as much about the quality of their products and the size of their ecological footprint as we do.
Cold pressing is the healthiest way to extract juice. It uses hydraulic pressure to squeeze liquid from plants without denaturing enzymes or damaging nutrients through heat or oxidation. Our hydraulic presses extract every colorful, delicious drop of juice from our organic ingredients without compromising their health-promoting properties.
Thanks to the HPP process, our juices are refrigerated and can be kept for several weeks from production. We guarantee a shelf life of at least 14 days from the delivery date. The organic shots in glass bottles are our longest-lasting products. Thanks to short-term heating, these shots can be kept for several months and do not necessarily need to be refrigerated. Each product has a best-before date on the lid.
This varies greatly depending on the type of juice. The "classics" (such as Red N°1) have around 45 kcal per 100 ml, and pure celery juice, for example, has 19 kcal per 100 ml.
A juice day contains 6 juices of 330 ml each. During your fasting cure, you completely avoid solid food and therefore consume around 830 kcal per day through the juices.
You can supplement your juice cure with the organic hemp protein for an increased protein intake or with the strengthening organic soups.
No. Our juices are made from 100% raw and fresh fruits and vegetables, with natural sweetness, without any added sugar or additives.
Since our juices are a natural product, there may be slight variations in taste and color due to natural, seasonal or climatic fluctuations. We deliberately avoid using colorings and have no influence on nature, which is why the products may vary slightly. As a rule, the photographs give an almost identical image of our juices.
No. Only our organic shots (60 ml) in glass bottles undergo a heat pasteurization process. All other pressed juices and shots are preserved using the HPP (High Pressure Processing) method.
HPP stands for High Pressure Processing, a process that preserves our product. We use HPP because it helps the product maintain the highest nutrient density and minimally affects vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients. The HPP process involves passing a juice bottle through a cold water chamber and subjecting it to high pressure, high enough to inactivate potentially harmful pathogens.
We use a process called HPP to remove any harmful bacteria from our product. This process requires significant force on the bottle, which glass cannot withstand. Any juice that comes in a glass bottle is either heat treated or made directly on site and must not be more than 48 hours old.
The organic shots in the 80 ml bottles are produced as gently as possible using cold pressing and the HPP process and are filled into 100% recycled PET bottles, as glass would not withstand the pressure.
The organic shots in 60 ml glass bottles allow for more flexibility. Thanks to short-term heating, these shots can be kept for several months and do not necessarily need to be refrigerated.
A juice cleanse is a way to declutter and reset your system. It can also help you rethink your current eating habits and provide a stimulus for behavioral change. Done correctly, a juice cleanse can improve your digestion and re-energize you with concentrated nutrients, leaving you feeling refreshed and more comfortable. We offer several levels of cleanses that you can do for one day or several days. For the first juice cleanse, we recommend 1-3 days.
It is definitely true that our bodies cleanse themselves naturally and continuously. Our juice cleanses are designed to give you an occasional break from the hectic pace of everyday life and optimize your diet. Historically, fasting has been a means of restoring balance in life. Our programs are designed to help your body reset, replenish essential nutrients, and achieve a more balanced state.
The length of the juice cleanse depends on individual needs. A five-day cleanse is a more intense experience than a one- or three-day cleanse. If you are new to juice fasting, we recommend that you start with our juice program for 1-3 days. You can increase the duration with each subsequent cleanse.
Although every person is different and must take their body's needs into account when cleansing, we recommend a juice plan that includes 6 organic juices of 330 ml each. One juice should be drunk every 2 hours.
Start with the first juice when you wake up and try to drink the last juice at least two hours before going to bed. The juice cure is intended as a replacement for solid meals. You should also make sure you drink enough fluids in the form of water and unsweetened tea.
Depending on your needs and individuality, the juice cure can be expanded with organic hemp protein or organic soups.
Once your body adjusts to the cleanse, your digestion, energy levels, and even your sleep patterns will change.
You can find more detailed instructions and further information about our juice cleanses on our blog .
To make your juice cleanse a little easier, we include a small drinking recommendation with each juice package, at what times and in what order you should drink the juices. Also make sure you drink enough fluids in the form of water and tea during the day.
Here is an example of the drinking recommendation for the Juice+ Shot cure:
8:00 - 10:00 BIO Bergshot N°1 + water 500 ml diluted
10:00 - 12:00 BIO Orange N°1
12:00 - 14:00 BIO Red N°1
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. BIO Green N°1
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM BIO Pink N°1
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. BIO Yellow N°1
Numerous studies show that a juice cleanse is an effective and efficient way to keep the body's systems in balance. The easily absorbed nutrients from organic fruits and vegetables support health and general well-being in many ways. The juice cleanse gives you the opportunity to take stock of your habits and press a reset button. Your body increases its energy levels naturally. You experience fewer cravings and your digestion improves. In addition, the quality of sleep improves and your skin begins to glow.
Juice diets reduce daily calorie intake and can therefore lead to weight loss. However, permanent weight loss is of course a complex, long-term process. Therefore, even after the juice diet, it is important to stick to a healthy and balanced lifestyle and to integrate exercise into your daily routine in addition to your diet.
Our juice cleanses are designed for healthy adults who want to restore balance to their wellbeing. The great thing about a juice cleanse is that it gives your body the opportunity to return to a more natural rhythm. Afterward, you will no longer feel bloated, sluggish or hungry, making it easier for you to maintain a healthier diet and lifestyle.
There are several groups of people who should avoid a juice cleanse. Children, adolescents, and pregnant and breastfeeding women need sufficient amounts of energy and protein for their growth and that of their baby, and juice fasting would not meet these needs.
People with diabetes, kidney or liver disease should also avoid juice fasting because they have a different physiological response to food.
Yes. However, we do not recommend doing a pure juice cleanse if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It is important that you do not restrict your calorie intake during this time and limit your intake to liquids only.
You can of course consume the juices as a supplement to your daily diet and to ensure you get all the important vitamins and minerals.
The juices are also suitable for children. As a supplement to the daily diet. A juice cleanse is not suitable for children and we strongly advise against it. During their developmental years, children require adequate nutrition to meet the increasing energy needs of their growing bodies. Juice cleanses simply cannot provide the type and amount of nutrients and calories required for a healthy diet. For example, a juice cleanse provides very little protein, which can inhibit the growth and development of cells in a child's body. In addition, it lacks essential fatty acids, which are vital for brain development and health.
Yes, it is recommended to exercise during the cleanse to support your metabolism and maintain your muscles. Take it easy. The amount of energy you will feel during a juice cleanse is very individual. Try to avoid high-intensity training. Walking, swimming or yoga are good options. Light strength training or Pilates can also be considered during the juice cleanse and will help maintain your muscles.
Shots are a great way to give your body a concentrated boost of nutrients. These little bottles contain some of Mother Nature's most powerful ingredients that provide your body with amazing benefits in a simple way.
Especially in stressful everyday life, a juice shot can be a convenient way to get enough vitamins.
Our organic shots in 80 ml bottles are cold-pressed and carefully filled into recycled PET bottles and have a shelf life of at least 10 days from delivery.
The organic shots in 60 ml bottles are filled into glass bottles. Due to the short-term heating, these shots offer more flexibility and can be kept for several months.
The shots can be consumed daily as part of your morning routine or as an energy booster in between meals. They are a simple and easy way to supply your body with vitamins and minerals.
The greatest benefit is achieved through regular consumption of juices and juice shots.
Our concentrated shots can be consumed up to three times a day, depending on how you are feeling. We recommend a single shot for daily wellbeing and up to three if you need extra vitamins.
The apparently high sugar content in fruit juices can be a cause for concern for some people. We would like to clarify this concern:
It is very important to distinguish between added sugar and natural sugar found in foods such as fruits and vegetables. The naturally occurring sugar content of fresh fruit and juice cannot be compared to processed sugar or soda.
While fruits and vegetables are absolutely essential for good health, this is not the case with added sugar, which is highly linked to many health problems. Refined sugar has been stripped of its nutrients and contains only empty calories. When refined sugar is consumed in excess, cholesterol, insulin and blood sugar levels rise, which promotes inflammation and disease over time.
Consuming natural sugars found in whole fruits, vegetables and fresh juice can actually reduce the health problems mentioned above due to their high nutrient density and antioxidant content. Fruits and vegetables also contain natural compounds that delay the entry of sugar into the bloodstream, namely phytonutrients, polyphenols, enzymes, water and fiber.
These nutrients, which are found in fruits and vegetables along with the naturally occurring sugars, are crucial for maintaining and regulating blood sugar levels.
Judging a food based on a single factor is too simplistic and leads to false assumptions about its impact on overall health. Our juices are formulated to balance the ratio of fruit and vegetables, meaning the body only experiences a small increase in blood sugar levels.
Our juices and shots are nut-free. If you are intolerant to a certain type of fruit or vegetable, we can replace the juice with an alternative. Please let us know about your allergies so that we can replace the juice in question.
Yes! Our juices and shots are 100% gluten-free. We only use raw and plant-based products - no additives or preservatives.
Yes! All our juices and shots are made exclusively from fresh fruit and vegetables.
From a general perspective, juice and diabetes don't mix well. This is because juice, as we traditionally think of it, is known to have a high glycemic index and high glycemic load, which contribute to elevated blood sugar, insulin resistance, weight gain, obesity, and diabetes risk.
These or similar statements often refer to the factory-processed juice that you find on the supermarket shelf. This is usually pasteurized and often contains additives, refined sugar or artificial sweeteners.
One problem with juices in particular is that the studies do not differentiate between whether the juice was freshly made in a juicer or bought in the store. From an evidence-based perspective, we therefore do not know whether the juices that are associated with the risk of diabetes are also those that are freshly made. It can therefore be assumed that this type of juice does not carry the same risks and can therefore also be used to supplement the daily diet and provide better nutrient supply.
However, further and more meaningful research is needed to really say this with certainty.
If you have a pre-existing condition such as diabetes and want to do a juice cleanse, you should talk to your doctor beforehand. This way you can ensure that the cleanse goes safely and smoothly.
You should continue to take your medication. We recommend that you consult your doctor beforehand.
Supplements can be paused during the juice cleanse. Most supplements are harder to digest without solid food, and some people even report stomach pain after taking supplements during a cleanse.
If you have been diagnosed with a certain vitamin or mineral deficiency, such as vitamin D or vitamin B12, you should of course continue to take them.
Avoid consuming caffeine during the cleanse. Instead, opt for unsweetened herbal tea and water.
We recommend using the days before your juice cleanse to prepare your body for the change by eliminating processed foods, added sugar, refined flour, alcohol, meat, dairy, and other animal products for three to five days before you begin your cleanse. We also recommend reducing or eliminating caffeine consumption. We know this sounds harsh, but the more work you do before you start your cleanse, the easier it will be and the better the results will be.
Fresh vegetables should be the focus of every meal. We also recommend incorporating healthy fats, legumes and whole grains such as brown rice and quinoa into your daily diet. For snacks, you can choose raw vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts and seeds. Make sure you drink at least two liters of water. If you want, you can start incorporating 1-3 juices into your daily routine during the preparation phase.
The first 24-48 hours can be challenging, but they don't have to be. It's entirely up to you whether you feel very hungry during the treatment.
A juice cleanse does require a certain amount of discipline, but it is by no means designed to enslave you. The goal of the cleanse is to supply your body with highly nutrient-rich fluids. The programs can be perfectly integrated into your daily routine. Believe in yourself and trust that you are doing something good for yourself and your body!
Your well-being is the most important thing. If you feel very hungry during the cure and feel very unwell, you can interrupt the fasting cure and eat something. For example, you can grab a cup of warm, vegetable broth or eat a handful of almonds to satisfy your hunger.
This is probably the biggest question that many people ask themselves due to the low protein supply during fasting. The answer depends on several factors and cannot be answered in one sentence.
The time frame of the fasting cure is crucial. With a 1-3 day juice cure, muscle loss is extremely low to negligible and can be largely prevented by daily exercise.
Before the body tries to get energy from the muscle tissue, it draws on the glycogen stores in the liver and muscles (phase 1). Only when these are used up does it use the proteins from the muscles.
After the first phase, the body switches from glycogen metabolism to fat metabolism. To do this, the body must produce certain enzymes, known as ketones, which enable fat to be used as a direct source of energy. It takes 1-3 days for the body to be able to use its own fat as an energy source, which explains why the body switches to gluconeogenesis. However, this protein is not only extracted from muscle cells. Glucose is produced from lactate, glycerol or glucogenic amino acids and released into the blood. As soon as the body has produced enough ketones, the next phase begins. Now the body gets its energy mainly from burning fat.
Initially, a relatively large amount of amino acids must be provided for gluconeogenesis. After a few days of fasting, the nerve cells also learn to use the ketone bodies. As soon as the glucose requirement drops and only a few amino acids are used for gluconeogenesis, a protein-saving mode occurs and protein breakdown decreases. The supply of small amounts of carbohydrates through the juices also supports the protein-saving mechanism. It is important that even if the body uses protein during fasting, the vital structures such as the muscles and the heart are not attacked, especially during physical activity.
Another factor to consider is the level of body fat reserves. There is a significant difference in protein metabolism between lean and obese people. During prolonged fasting, obese individuals burn 2-3 times less protein than lean individuals. This makes perfect sense. When people have more fat to burn, their bodies will use more of it. When there is less fat, the body turns to protein.
During a longer period of fasting, slight muscle loss cannot be completely prevented. The body also draws a certain amount of protein from the muscles to maintain its functions.
However, in order to keep the loss of muscle protein as low as possible, it is extremely important that you continue to train your muscles while fasting. This signals to your body that it urgently needs the muscles and that it should instead rely more on the existing fat reserves to supply the organs.
Yes! Drinking enough fluids is especially important during a cleansing treatment to flush accumulated toxins from the body. Prefer still mineral water and unsweetened herbal tea or water with lemon juice.
You should finish the detox the same way you started it. This means that for at least the first few days (or as long as possible), you should avoid processed foods, refined flour and sugar, alcohol, caffeine, meat, dairy and other animal products and prefer vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains and nuts.
The first few meals should be small and easily digestible, such as a smoothie for breakfast, a light salad or vegetable soup for lunch, and steamed vegetables with some quinoa or brown rice for dinner. Make sure you eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Drink plenty of water and keep your caffeine intake to a minimum.
Use your detoxification program as an opportunity to break old habits and adopt healthy new ones.
We currently ship our products to Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
Do you live in Italy, Luxembourg or another European country? Then please contact us by email at to offer you an individual shipping solution.
Our products are usually ready for dispatch within 3-5 working days. The delivery time is up to 7 working days.
If you need something faster, we also offer express shipping.
Your order will usually be processed and shipped within 3 working days (Monday - Thursday). Delivery will take place within a further 2 days. As soon as the package is on its way, we will send you a shipping confirmation. If you would like to start your juice cleanse at a later date, please let us know the date in the order note.
Since our cold-pressed organic juices & shots are produced without preservatives or heating, the cold chain must not be interrupted. We therefore include sufficient ice so that the products arrive safely. Please make sure that you receive the package immediately and put the products in the refrigerator immediately afterwards.
Our organic Bergblut juices and shots (80 ml) are bottled in 100% recycled PET bottles (rPET). The use of rPET bottles results in 79% lower CO2 emissions than the use of new packaging material. The rPET bottles are also manufactured in Europe in a resource-saving manner. In addition, rPET has a higher protection against UVA radiation and therefore offers a higher protection potential for the packaged food. Our packaging thus protects our organic quality juices and ensures that all vitamins are retained.
As soon as your order is ready for shipping, you will receive a confirmation email with the tracking number. You can use this to track your juice selection.