Strengthened into the new year – the benefits of a juice cleanse Skip to content
Gestärkt ins neue Jahr! Gestärkt ins neue Jahr!

Strengthened into the new year!

At the end of each calendar year, people reflect on the phase of their life that has just passed and think about their habits. Health is one of the most important aspects of being human and that is why we resolve to give up one or another behavior that we don't like.

The holidays before the New Year often bring changes in diet, especially more sugar, carbohydrates, fat and alcohol than the body is used to. One consequence is that you feel sluggish and lethargic and your digestion does not work properly. Reasons why you may have decided to do something more for your health.

Now that the holidays are over, it's the perfect time to get your body back in shape and start paying more attention to it.

A juice cleanse cannot undo what you have already eaten, but it does give you the opportunity to start the new year in a healthy way and create a foundation for implementing other healthy resolutions.

The cure gives your digestive system a break, helps your body to rid itself of toxins and waste products, stimulates your metabolism and improves your general energy and well-being.

The fun part : You'll drink lots of healthy, delicious juices! 
And the difficult part: you only drink lots of healthy, tasty juices 😉!

In detail, this means that during your New Year's cleanse you only consume 6 cold-pressed juices (330ml each) and lots of water every day. We include detailed instructions for juice fasting with every juice cleanse.

This gives your body the opportunity to go without solid foods and enter a state of fasting. It can be challenging at times, but persevere! It will be worth it. With our fresh juices you get at least 22 ingredients per day and therefore significantly more fruit & vegetables and nutrients than in your usual diet. 

Below we answer the most frequently asked questions about the juice cleanse and you will find tips and background information for your juice cleanse in the new year. So let's get started:

Frequently asked questions about how to do a New Year's juice cleanse:

What can I expect on the first day of juice fasting?

During the first few hours of your first day of juicing, you will likely notice a significant increase in your energy levels. This is due to the energy-rich nutrients in fruits and vegetables, the reduction in "energy hogs" such as sugary foods and coffee, increased fluid intake and better hydration, and the relief of the digestive tract.

As the days go by, you may feel a little tired and unwell and/or get a slight headache. This is more likely if you have eaten a lot of unhealthy food over the holidays and also depends on your previous lifestyle. To reduce the intensity of the side effects, you can prepare yourself in the days before the juice cleanse and avoid unhealthy foods and stimulants. This way, your body can prepare better and the juice cleanse will be easier. 

How do I prepare for a juice cleanse?

In the days leading up to the juice cleanse, try to reduce the amount of caffeine, junk food and alcohol you consume. You should also reduce the number of unnecessary snacks while increasing your water consumption. Try to include plenty of vegetables and fruit in your diet and replace one meal with a smoothie. You can find all the details on how to prepare here. You can also avoid grains that contain gluten or highly processed carbohydrates and instead choose foods that are easy to digest and have anti-inflammatory properties. This way, your body will slowly transition into the full juice cleanse phase and you will not experience extreme cases of fatigue or hunger during the juice cleanse. You will find a guide "Reorienting yourself to a healthier lifestyle" below where you can read which food groups have anti-inflammatory properties. 

Can I lose weight?

Even though the scales may show a few pounds less, this weight loss is unlikely to last long. The weight will probably return when you return to your usual diet. The weight loss is mainly due to the severe dehydration and emptying of the gastrointestinal tract. By eliminating salt from your diet and the drop in insulin levels, your body excretes more salt and large amounts of water. Conversely, this means that when you eat normally, the gastrointestinal tract fills up again and the body stores water.

Furthermore, the daily calorie intake is comparatively low, which automatically creates a calorie deficit and can lead to short-term weight loss.

However, if you want to maintain weight loss, you should be careful about the foods you include in your diet after the juice cleanse. A juice cleanse combined with proper pre- and post-treatment can help improve your health, increase your energy levels, and help you lose weight long-term. 

Furthermore, current studies show that the increased intake of minerals and vitamins and the relief of the digestive tract support the intestinal microbiome. A healthy microbiome helps you reach your ideal weight.

Permanent weight loss is achieved through an active lifestyle that consists of a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. If you do a cleanse along with switching to an active lifestyle, you can definitely lose weight long-term.

Can I eat anything during the juice cleanse?

During the cleanse, you should only consume cold-pressed juices and plenty of water or unsweetened herbal tea. The main purpose of the juice cleanse is to relieve your digestive system, promote your gut health and improve your energy levels through the increased intake of nutrients. 

The cold-pressed juices contain nutrients in an easily absorbable form, so your body doesn't have to strain or be busy digesting them, and they provide you with energy during your fast. However, it's normal to feel a strong craving for solid food. If you're used to eating several meals or snacks a day, it will take a while for your body to get used to skipping them.

The best way to relieve the unpleasant feeling of hunger is to drink the juices slowly and mimic the chewing action. Let your taste buds fully enjoy the flavors of the juice before swallowing it.

How many days should I do a juice cleanse?

This depends on how well your body is used to the juice cleanse. If this is your first cleanse, 1 to 3 days are enough. However, if you are experienced and have already done a juice cleanse several times, you can extend it to up to 5 days. 

Another factor that determines the duration of the juice cleanse is your lifestyle. If you eat healthily and exercise regularly, a 2-day juice cleanse is more than enough. On the other hand, if you have consumed a lot of junk food or overindulged a bit over the holidays, you should prepare thoroughly and extend the juice cleanse beyond the 2 days.

What happens after a juice cleanse?

After a juice cleanse, you will feel a significant boost in energy. Your body will be less bloated than before and your skin will feel hydrated and healthy. You will also be surprised when you step on the scale, but don't get too excited because there is a good chance that you will regain the "weight" you lost, as mentioned above.

Although you can start eating normally again, don't overdo it. You can ease back into solid food with the same light meals you ate in preparation. Fruits, vegetables, and light soups are easier on your digestive system than a greasy pizza. Plus, you don't want to undo the health benefits of your juice cleanse by eating junk food.

Once you feel well, you can add dairy and meat products back into your diet if they are part of your daily diet.

How does the detoxification process work?

The goal of a “detoxification” is to rid the body of all harmful substances that have accumulated in the body and thus cleanse it from the inside. 

Although the human body has its own natural daily cleansing processes to eliminate or filter toxins through the lungs, liver, kidneys, colon and skin, it doesn't hurt to do a fast every now and then.

A juice cleanse helps to reduce the amount of toxins that the body has to eliminate and provides it with a lot of healthy nutrients. These pollutants have a negative effect on the organism. They can attack both physical and mental performance and weaken the immune system. 

To benefit permanently from the cleanse, it is important that you change your diet and eliminate foods that put a strain on your body. 

If you have now made the decision to go on a juice cleanse, you will start the new year with more energy and quality of life. Completing your juice cleanse can be the first small success that motivates you to tackle your health and fitness goals and can be the starting signal for a healthier year.

Start the new year with us healthy and full of well-being #bergblutmotiviert

We hope that you can fully exploit the benefits of the juice cleanse for the new year - have a good start into the new year!

In the next article you will learn how you can reorient yourself towards a new, healthier lifestyle - we will give you helpful tips on nutrition and health. 

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