How to maintain weight loss after your juice cleanse
May 22, 2023
After completing a juice cleanse, you may be wondering what you should eat to enhance the beneficial sensations and maintain the benefits, such as weight loss.
Your juice cleanse was a wonderful way to relieve the strain on your digestive system and give it a break.
To ensure your well-being in the future, I recommend that you adapt your eating habits to your new requirements.
The first few days after your juice cleanse are a particular challenge for your organism, so it is advisable to carefully get your digestive system used to solid food again.
Below you will find instructions on how to design the transition days for yourself. Plan one third of the fasting days as transition days.
In order to maintain your weight loss, you need to make certain behavioral changes.
As a qualified nutrition expert, I recommend that you proceed as follows after your juice cleanse:
First day after the juice cleanse
It is important to remember that your body has become accustomed to liquid food and now probably needs a little more time to digest and process solid food again. If possible, prefer light and simple meals, low-acid fruit and fresh vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes, leaf salads, herbs and mild spices, nuts and seeds that are easy to digest. Drink 2-3 liters of water and/or herbal teas throughout the day and avoid caffeinated teas and coffee on the first day.
Second day after the juice cleanse
On the second day, in addition to the foods already mentioned, you can also eat a small portion of grains such as rice, oats or millet. Even if you were used to eating large portions before the juice cleanse, it is important that you continue to eat small meals so that your body can get used to solid food again. You can also eat small amounts of healthy fats such as cold-pressed oils, avocados and nut butter. If desired or necessary, this is also a good time to start consuming small amounts of coffee or other caffeinated drinks again.
Third day after the juice cleanse
On the third day, you can start consuming animal or vegetable protein in the form of eggs and dairy products, legumes and soy products (tofu, tempeh). If you don't eat dairy products, you can also use alternatives such as almond or coconut milk. For now, avoid red meat and opt for lean chicken or fish. If possible, you should still try to limit yourself to small amounts so as not to overload your stomach and digestive system.
Fourth day after the juice cleanse and beyond
Continue healthy eating habits and adapt them to your preferences. After your juice cleanse, the main thing is to maximize your benefits by incorporating more healthier foods into your diet than before. Adjust your portion sizes accordingly based on your energy needs. In any case, you should continue to minimize your consumption of refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods and all unhealthy fats, because the dose makes the poison, to ensure the long-term benefits of your juice cleanse.
Below I have put together some valuable tips for your transition to a long-term healthy diet to keep your body healthy and support you in reaching your optimal weight:
- Stick to whole foods
- Plant-based food diversity
- Be careful with sugar and highly processed foods!
- Reduce caffeine and coffee consumption
- avoid alcohol
- Small meals facilitate digestion
- Take your time while eating
- Movement, movement, movement!
*Drink plenty of fluids
Which foods should I eat after the juice cleanse? Here you will find valuable tips on which foods you should stick to after the juice cleanse. To the article